Our Services
- Water Systems
- Wastewater Systems
- Storm Water Systems
- Roadway Design
- Streetscape Projects
- Site Development
- Planning
- Grant / Loan Assistance and Administration
- Utility Rate Studies
Water Systems
Safe and reliable potable water systems are critical for the well being of our residents and communities. HPG and Company has extensive experience working with systems throughout South Carolina, both large and small. Our projects have extended the gamut from small, single source community systems with small diameter pipe to large municipal systems with complex distribution and treatment facilities. We are able to offer services for a wide range of water system needs.
- Existing system evaluation and master planning
- Hydraulic computer modeling
- Groundwater wells and treatment
- Booster pumping stations
- Distribution systems
- Ground and elevated storage tanks
- Instrumentation and control systems
- Surface water treatment facilities
Wastewater Systems
Federal and State regulations for wastewater systems are constantly changing with efforts to protect our rivers and streams while providing for needed wastewater treatment and disposal for our citizens. HPG and Company has the experience and the knowledge to assist wastewater systems in a number of areas.
- Existing and new system evaluation and planning
- Sanitary sewerage collection system
- Pumping stations and force mains
- Outfalls and transportation systems
- Wastewater treatment facilities
- Sludge handling and disposal
- NPDES permit renewals
- Land application systems
- Alternative and innovative systems
- Infiltration and inflow studies
- Pretreatment programs
Storm Water Systems
The development of feasible options to resolve vexing storm water problems can require innovative and creative solutions. HPG and Company has the ability to provide a full range of services to assist with our client's storm water needs.
- Evaluation of existing storm water problem areas
- Development of plans for storm water improvements
- Coordination with wetland and other environmental consultants
- Design of storm water systems
- Assistance in obtaining needed permitting
- Soil and erosion control methods
Roadway Design
Whether its installation of a service road to a new pump station or treatment facility, or the extension of a new city street, HPG and Company has the ability to assist with planning and design of new roadways.
- Layout and preliminary design and costing
- Preparation of construction plans and specifications
- Permitting for construction
- Assistance in obtaining public and private rights-of-way
- Coordination of soils and pavement testing by consultants
Streetscape Projects
The appearance and aesthetic appeal of our communities can be the difference in attracting quality development, and expanding job markets and tax bases for overall economic health of an area. HPG and Company has assisted a number of towns with the funding, design and construction of streetscape improvements.
- Preliminary planning and cost estimates
- Project development
- Surveying and design
- Assistance in obtaining permits
- Construction of improvements such as:
- New and rehabilitated sidewalks
- Pedestrian crosswalks
- Pedestrian scale lighting
- Removal of overhead wiring
- Irrigation and landscaping installation
- Installation of fountains and town clocks
- Parking improvements
Site Development
HPG and Company has the ability to provide private developers and public entities with designs for their developments. This includes residential, commercial and industrial developments. We also are able to assist our local government clients with the review of plans prepared for private developments within their jurisdictions to ensure compliance with local regulations.
- Preliminary layouts for privately planned subdivisions
- Infrastructure and lot layouts and cost estimates for public developments such as industrial parks
- Infrastructure design, water, sewer, roadways and storm water
- Assistance in obtaining local and state permits
- Preparation of preliminary and final subdivision plats
- Coordination with utility service providers
- Assistance in obtaining public rights-of-way
- Private easement preparation
- Coordination of final inspections and permitting
- Review of plans prepared by others for compliance with local ordinances and requirements
HPG and Company offers a wide range of planning services for our clients. We have the ability to develop the following types of plans developed to meet your particular needs.
- Master plans for water, sewer and storm water systems
- Evaluation of existing infrastructure systems with recommendations for needed improvements
- Rural Development funded predevelopment planning documents
- Hydraulic models and evaluations of water systems
- Environmental assessments and reports
- Spill prevention and control plans
- Alternative evaluations
- Industrial site evaluations and plans
- Operation and maintenance manuals
- Risk management plans
Grant / Loan Assistance and Administration
Because the majority of our work is for public and non-profit entities, HPG and Company is very familiar with each of the state and federal funding sources available for the disciplines in which we work. We are able to provide assistance to our clients throughout the funding process from development of preliminary costs, through the application process and implementation of the project.
- Rural Development Program of the USDA's Rural Utilities Service
- Economic Development Administration
- State Revolving Fund Program
- SC Rural Infastructure Program
- Community Development Block Grant Program
Utility Rate Studies
Frequently as a part of the both the planning and funding process a utility system must project budgets and review its user charges to ensure sufficient funds will be available for long term operation, maintenance and replacement of its system components as well as for debt retirement. HPG and Company is able to help our clients successfully work through this process.
- Assistance in developing budgets for a projected planning period
- Development of revenue requirements
- Review of existing charges and revenues
- Presentation of options for revisions to existing rate structures
- Development of new user charges and revenue sources